Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This is the list of all official EPLAN API actions available for the user

    Name Description
    backup Action class for backup functions: backup a project and master data (forms, symbols,...) to disk
    changelayer Changes graphical layer properties.
    check Action class for check functions: check a project and check pages.
    CleanWorkspaceAction clean an existing workspace
    compress Action class to compress projects.
    devicelist Action class for device list functions: import, export, and delete device lists.
    edit Action class for edit functions: open a project, open a page with a name, open a page with a device name and open a page with name and set the cursor at x y coordinates.
    EplApiModuleAction Loads and registers an API addin.
    EsCorrectConnections Merges graphical properties (color, line type, layer...) of connection definition points into one signal definition point for each signal, if these graphical properties are equal on the whole signal.
    ExecuteScript Runs the given script.
    export Action to export pages and projects in graphical, DXF, DWG, PXF format.
    export3d Action to export installation spaces in STEP format.
    ExportNCData Action exports NC Data for machines.
    ExportProductionWiring Action export Production Wiring Data for machines according to calling parameters
    ExportSegmentsTemplate Action to export segment templates to file.
    exportToGraphics Action to export pages and projects to graphical (TIF, GIF, PNG, JPG) format.
    gedRedraw Action class for GED redraw.
    generate Action class for generate functions: generate connections and generate cables.
    generatemacros Action for generating macros from project.
    graphicallayertable Action class for graphical layer table functions: import, export.
    import Action for importing projects, macros, and drawings.
    ImportPrePlanningData Action to import pre-planning data.
    ImportSegmentsTemplate Action to import segment templates from file to project.
    InsertModelViewAction Action to insert model view object on a page.
    label Action class to create labels for projects.
    masterdata Action class for operations related to EPLAN master data.
    MfExportRibbonBarAction Export main ribbon bar customizing to xml file
    MfImportRibbonBarAction Import main ribbon bar customizing from xml file
    navigateToEEC Action class to navigate to an object in the EPLAN Engineering Configuration.
    OpenWorkspaceAction opens an existing workspace
    partslist Action class for exporting and importing parts and other parts management items like addresses, constructions, terminals, accessory lists and accessory placements. Allows also to delete stored properties.
    partsmanagementapi Action class for exporting and importing parts and other parts management items like parts, addresses, constructions, terminals, accessory lists and accessory placements.
    plcservice Exports/imports PLC data using the specified converter.
    print Action class to print projects and pages.
    ProjectAction run action upon given project and close project afterwards
    projectmanagement Action class for project management.
    ProjectOpen Open given project
    RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction Register/Unregister a custom editor dialog for a property id or identifying name of a user-defined property.
    RegisterScript Register a script.
    renumber Action corresponds to numbering functionality
    reports Action class to update all project evaluations.
    restore Action class for restore functions: restore projects and restore master data(Forms, symbols,...)
    SaveWorkspaceAction saves the actual workspace
    search Action class for search operations. Search items in a project.
    selectionset Action class for selection set functions: get current project, get selected projects, get selected pages.
    SetProjectLanguage Set project languages for read-write and read-only projects.
    subprojects Action class to export and import subprojects.
    SwitchProjectType Action to change type of project.
    synchronize Action class to synchronize project's data.
    Topology Action for topology-related operations.
    translate Action class for translate functions: translate a project, export missing translation list, and remove languages from a project.
    UnregisterScript Unregister a script.
    UpdateSegmentsFilling Calculates and sets value of property CABLINGSEGMENT_FILLING for all segments in project.
    XAfActionSetting sets the value of a setting
    XAfActionSettingProject sets the value of a project setting.
    XAMlExportProductionData2RASCenterAction Export of the construction spaces of the selected project in AutomationML format. The generated AutomationML file is intended for import into the Rittal - RiPanel Processing Center, which controls the machines for creating the openings or cutting the mounting rails and wiring channels.
    XCMRemoveUnnecessaryNDPsAction Removes unnecessary net definition points of active project.
    XCMUniteNetDefinitionPointsAction Unites net definition points placed on the same net in active project.
    XDLInsertDeviceAction Starts interaction for inserting a device
    XEGActionInsertSymRef Standard action to find symbol references for inserting.
    XEsGetPagePropertyAction gets a special property of first selected page
    XEsGetProjectPropertyAction Gets a special property of the current project
    XEsGetPropertyAction Get selected objects and get the property.
    XEsSetPagePropertyAction sets a special property of selected pages
    XEsSetProjectPropertyAction Sets a special property of a current project
    XEsSetPropertyAction Get selected objects and set the property.
    XEsUserPropertiesExportAction exports user properties to file
    XEsUserPropertiesImportAction imports user properties to project from file
    XGedClosePage Closes all selected pages.
    XGedStartInteractionAction starts an interaction of the graphical editor
    XGedUpdateMacroAction Update macros. It can be passed the full path of a project. When project is not opened, this action opens it and closes it automatically.
    XMActionDCCommonExport Starts the export for the external editing
    XMActionDCImport Imports a data configuration file into an existing EPLAN project.
    XMDeleteReprTypeAction removes a representation type from selected macros and what saves in a selected directory
    XMExportConnectionsAction Action class to export connections of a project.
    XMExportDCArticleDataAction Starts the export for the external editing
    XMExportFunctionAction Action class to export functions of a project.
    XMExportLocationBoxesAction Action class to export location boxes of a project.
    XMExportPagesAction Action class to export pages of a project.
    XMExportPipeLineDefsAction Action class to export pipiline definitions of a project.
    XMExportPotentialDefsAction Action class to export potential definitions of a project.
    XMImportDCArticleDataAction Imports a data configuration file into an existing EPLAN Article database.
    XPamArticlesSyncAction Synchronisation from articles/parts databases from V2022 to SQL-Server V2.9.
    XPamConvertPartDatabaseToArticleDatabaseAction Converts parts databases from EPLAN Version V2.9 to Version V2022.
    XPamsDeviceSelectionAction Selects device or updates device-information. This object can be a project/function/connection.
    XPamSelectPart starts the part selection (using the configured database)
    XPlaUpdateDetailAction The detail engineering is updated for the selected planning objects
    XPrjActionUpgradeProjects This action upgrades one ore more projects to the actual database scheme version.
    XPrjConvertBaseProjectsAction this action converts one ore more old base projects (.ept and .epb files) to new base projects (.zw9). All base projects in a folder are upgraded (recursive).
    XSDPreviewAction open or close the preview of a project page or macro
    XSettingsExport Exports settings to a xml-file.
    XSettingsImport Imports project-, station-, company- or user-settings from a xml-file.
    XSettingsRegisterAction Registers Addons
    XSettingsUnregisterAction Deregistration of Addons